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Fefè_Thesign everywhere

Fefè_Thesign everywhere

ISTANBUL_Numbers & Signs

THESIGN EVERYWHERE has been invited to the 5th INTERKULTURAL ART DIALOGUES DAYS that will take place in Istanbul from the 27th to the 31st of August 2014 to present in preview the editorial app INSTABUL_NUMBERS&SIGNS. The meeting is settled for 7 p.m. on the 30th of August in TEPEBAŞI, Istanbul where LUIGI VERNIERI will represent Italy with ‘’İSTANBUL’UN NUMARA & İŞARETLERİ’’ ( ‘’NUMBERS & SIGNS OF ISTANBUL’’) in a public speech. While from the 27th to the 31st it will be possible to visit the photo exhibition “TEPEBAŞI İTALYA – ROMA /LUİGİ VERNİERİ ‘’İSTANBUL’UN NUMARA & İŞARETLERİ’’ ‘’NUMBERS & SIGNS OF ISTANBUL’’ ISTANBUL : NUMBERS & SIGNS is the first issue of a new collection about TRAVEL and VISUAL CULTURE. A GUIDE that crosses countries and captures DETAILS revealing place's culture, histories, aesthetical taste and artistic language. It's an innovative format, that gives a fresh look on the world, read through SIGNS, colors, forms, design and icons & through NUMBERS linked with short news. Inside 50 photos of signs and 50 of numbers, that - tapped - reveal an amazing answer to the question: "What am I watching?" That first issue of NUMBERS & SIGNS is dedicated to a city symbol of cultural and visual richness: ISTANBUL. Credits: Istanbul_Numbers & Signs is conceived and realized by Luigi Vernieri for THESIGN EVERYWHERE, crew of research on visual communication, travel, creativity. Edition in APP by Visual C.S. All rights reserved.
